Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: education

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Direct access: 教育 , 教学 , 教訓 , 教材 , 教養 , 訓練 , 稽古 , 欠席 , 見識 , 研修


pronunciation: kyouiku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: education, instruction, schooling, teaching, culture
教育する: kyouikusuru: teach, educate
教育係り: kyouikugakari: educator, instructor <<<
教育上の: kyouikujouno: educational, instructive <<<
教育を受ける: kyouikuoukeru: receive an education <<<
教育費: kyouikuhi: education expense <<<
教育法: kyouikuhou: educational [teaching] method <<<
教育学: kyouikugaku: pedagogy, pedagogics, didactics <<<
教育家: kyouikuka: educator, teacher, pedagogue, educationist <<<
教育界: kyouikukai: educational world [circles] <<<
教育課程: kyouikukatei: curriculum, course of study <<< 課程
教育制度: kyouikuseido: educational system <<< 制度
教育機関: kyouikukikan: educational organ <<< 機関
教育委員会: kyouikuiinkai: school board
教育テレビ: kyouikuterebi: educational television <<< テレビ
性教育: seikyouiku: sexual education <<<
特殊教育: tokushukyouiku: special school system <<< 特殊
軍隊教育: guntaikyouiku: army training [education] <<< 軍隊
市民教育: shiminkyouiku: civic education <<< 市民
天才教育: tensaikyouiku: genius education <<< 天才
一般教育: ippankyouiku: general education <<< 一般
大学教育: daigakukyouiku: university [college] education <<< 大学
小学教育: shougakukyouiku: elementary education <<< 小学
高等教育: koutoukyouiku: high education <<< 高等
科学教育: kagakukyouiku: scientific education <<< 科学
家庭教育: kateikyouiku: home education [discipline] <<< 家庭
職業教育: shokugyoukyouiku: vocational education <<< 職業
学校教育: gakkoukyouiku: school education, schooling <<< 学校
生涯教育: shougaikyouiku: lifelong education <<< 生涯
成人教育: seijinkyouiku: adult education <<< 成人
普通教育: hutsuukyouiku: common [popular] education <<< 普通
通信教育: tsuushinkyouiku: correspondence course <<< 通信
音楽教育: ongakukyouiku: music teaching [training] <<< 音楽
女子教育: joshikyouiku: education of women [girls] <<< 女子
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 実際
児童教育: jidoukyouiku: child education <<< 児童
準備教育: junbikyouiku: preparatory education [coaching] <<< 準備
実物教育: jitsubutsukyouiku: object lesson <<< 実物
義務教育: gimukyouiku: compulsory education <<< 義務
道徳教育: doutokukyouiku: moral education <<< 道徳
専門教育: senmonkyouiku: technical [professional] education <<< 専門
視覚教育: shikakukyouiku: visual education <<< 視覚
言語教育: gengokyouiku: language teaching <<< 言語


pronunciation: kyougaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: teaching and learning, education and study


pronunciation: kyoukun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: teachings, instruction, precept, lesson, moral (n.)
教訓を垂れる: kyoukunnotareru: give a lessen <<<
教訓を予える: kyoukunnoataeru <<<
教訓を得る: kyoukunnoeru: learn a lesson (from) <<<
教訓てきな: kyoukuntekina: didactic, moral (a.), edifying


pronunciation: kyouzai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: teaching materials


pronunciation: kyouyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: education, culture
教養の有る: kyouyounoaru: educated, cultured <<<
教養の無い: kyouyounonai: uneducated, uncultured <<<
教養を高める: kyouyouotakameru: cultivate oneself <<<
教養学部: kyouyougakubu: liberal arts college <<< 学部
教養課程: kyouyoukatei: general culture course <<< 課程
教養科目: kyouyoukamoku: culture subjects, liberal arts and science <<< 科目
教養番組: kyouyoubangumi: educational [cultural] program <<< 番組
一般教養: ippankyouyou: common culture <<< 一般
check also: 教育


pronunciation: kunren   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: training, drill, exercise, practice
訓練する: kunrensuru: train, drill (v.), exercise (v.), practice (v.)
訓練を受ける: kunrennoukeru: be trained <<<
訓練所: kunrensho, kunrenjo: training school, gym, training hall <<<
訓練場: kunrenjou <<<
訓練生: kunrensei: trainee <<<
訓練飛行: kunrenhikou: training flight <<< 飛行
訓練期間: kunrenkikan: training period <<< 期間
職業訓練: shokugyoukunren: vocational training <<< 職業
避難訓練: hinankunren: evacuation exercise <<< 避難
上陸訓練: jourikukunren: landing drill <<< 上陸
防火訓練: boukakunren: fire drill <<< 防火
synonyms: 実習 , 練習 , 養成 , トレーニング , ドリル


pronunciation: keiko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: exercise, practice (n.), training, lesson
稽古する: keikosuru: have exercises, practice (v.)
稽古を付ける: keikootsukeru: give (a person) lessons (in), teach, rehearse <<<
稽古着: keikogi: practice suit <<<
稽古場: keikojou: practice hall <<<
稽古日: keikobi: lesson day <<<
稽古事: keikogoto: young ladies' accomplishments <<<
synonyms: 練習


pronunciation: kesseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 裁判
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 病気
長期欠席: choukikesseki: long absence from school <<< 長期
無断欠席: mudankesseki: unauthorized absence <<< 無断
無断欠席する: mudankessekisuru: stay away without leave <<< 無断
check also: 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: kenshiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: opinion, view, discernment, knowledge, information, pride
見識が高い: kenshikigatakai: have opinion of one's own, have a broad [profound] vision, have much pride <<<
見識が有る: kenshikigaaru <<<
見識の有る人: kenshikinoaruhito: man of insight [principle]
見識張る: kenshikibaru: stand upon dignity, assume an air of importance <<<
check also: プライド


pronunciation: kenshuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: training, internship
研修する: kenshuusuru: study, train
研修生: kenshuusei: trainee, intern <<<
研修所: kenshuujo: training institute <<<
研修会: kenshuukai: (training) workshop, seminar <<<
check also: 講習 , 養成

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