Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: radical

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: finance    nb of strokes: 12
translation: lend, advance, loan, accommodate
貸す: kasu: lend, advance, loan, accommodate, hire (out), let out, let one hire. rent, lease, give (a person) credit
貸し: kashi: lending, loan, bill, charge account
Kanji words: 金貸 , 貸付 , 貸切 , 貸倒れ , 賃貸
Expressions: 耳を貸す , 耳を貸さない , 腕を貸す , 宿を貸す , 手を貸す , 抵当貸 , 貸別荘 , 貸衣装 , 貸衣装屋 , 知恵を貸す , 高利で貸す , 高利貸
synonyms: レンタル

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 12
translation: buy, purchase, accept
買う: kau: buy, purchase, incur, invite, provoke, appreciate, do (a person) justice, have a high opinion of (a person, a person's ability)
買い漁る: kaiasaru: hunt (high and low) for <<<
買い戻す: kaimodosu: buy back, repurchase, redeem <<< , 買戻し
買い過ぎる: kaisugiru: buy too many [much], overbuy <<<
買って出る: kattederu: offer to (help, take the trouble) <<<
Kanji words: 購買 , 買物 , 買掛 , 買付け , 買戻し , 買主 , 売買 , 買収
Expressions: 妬みを買う , 安く買う , 株を買う , 付けで買う , 恨みを買う , 闇で買う , 卸で買う , 怒りを買う , 買い相場 , 伝票で買う , 衝動買い , 土地を買う , 馬券を買う , 高価で買う , 国債を買う , 切符を買う , 現金で買う , 買い注文 , 地所を買う , 喧嘩を買う , 押し目買い , 思惑買い , カタログで買う , ローンで買う

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: salary, engage, employ
chin, jin
chin: price (jp.)
賃う: yatou: engage, employ <<<
Kanji words: 運賃 , 家賃 , 賃貸 , 賃金 , 賃料 , 駄賃
Expressions: 電車賃 , 仕立賃 , 汽車賃 , 乗車賃 , 手間賃

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: finance    nb of strokes: 13
translation: treasure, heirloom, capital, funds
資する: shisuru: contribute [make a contribution] (to), make for, promote, help, be helpful (to)
資: takara: treasure, heirloom <<<
資: moto: capital, funds <<<
資ける: tasukeru: help (v.), aid <<<
資: tachi: nature, character <<<
Kanji words: 外資 , 資格 , 出資 , 物資 , 融資 , 資金 , 資本 , 資源 , 資産 , 資料 , 合資 , 投資

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: congratulate, present, gift, award, reward
賞: shou: prize, award, reward
賞する: shousuru: praise, applaud, admire, extol
賞するに足る: shousurunitaru: deserve [be worthy of] praise, be praiseworthy <<<
賞を与える: shouoataeru: give [award] (a person) a prize <<<
賞を授ける: shouosazukeru <<<
賞を得る: shouoeru: get [win, obtain, be awarded] a prize <<<
賞を取る: shouotoru <<<
賞める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire <<<
賞: tamamono: gift, boon, godsend, blessing <<< 賜物
Kanji words: 鑑賞 , 観賞 , 賞与 , 賞味 , 入賞 , 懸賞 , 賞金 , 授賞 , 受賞 , 賞品
Expressions: 残念賞 , 優等賞 , 文学賞 , 一等賞 , 敢闘賞 , 技能賞 , ノーベル賞 , アカデミー賞 , オスカー賞
synonyms: , 褒美

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: help, aid, assist, praise (bor.), admire
賛える: tataeru: praise, admire <<<
賛ける: tasukeru: help (v.), aid, assist <<<
Kanji words: 協賛 , 賛成 , 賛美 , 賛辞 , 称賛

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 15
translation: origin, nature, character, quality, verify
shitsu, shichi, chi, shi
質: shitsu, tachi: nature, character, quality
質の良い: shitsunoii, shitsunoyoi, tachinoii, tachinoyoi: of fine quality, be superior in quality <<<
質の悪い: shitsunowarui, tachinowarui: of poor quality, be inferior in quality <<<
質: shichi: pawn (n.)
質に入れる: shichiniireru: pawn (v.), put in pawn <<<
質に取る: shichinitoru: take (a thing) in pawn <<<
質を受け出す: shichioukedasu: redeem a pawn, take (a thing) out of hock
質: moto: essence, substance <<<
質す: tadasu: ascertain, verify <<<
質: mochimae: nature, character
質: sunao: obedient, meek <<< 素直
Kanji words: 質問 , 材質 , 本質 , 性質 , 物質 , 脂質 , 抗生物質 , 質疑 , 人質 , 質量 , 質屋 , 変質 , 異質 , 良質 , 気質 , 均質 , 品質 , 地質 , 上質 , 実質
Expressions: 問い質す , 石灰質の , 澱粉質の , 蛋白質 , 蛋白質の , 粘液質の , 脂肪質 , 遺伝質 , 海綿質 , 硫黄質の , 繊維質の , 粘土質の , 白亜質の , 象牙質 , 鉱物質 , 金属質 , 細胞質 , 樹脂質の , 神経質

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: two, pair, accompany (ext.)
ni, ji
弐つ: hutatsu: two <<<
弐う: sou: accompany <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: right, just, proper, correct
tei, jou
貞しい: tadashii: right (a.), just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, rightful, lawful, legitimate, sound, righteous, upright, truthful, honest <<<
貞まる: sadamaru: be decided, be determined, become settled, be chosen <<<
Kanji words: 童貞 , 貞操

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: finance    nb of strokes: 10
translation: pay taxes
kou, ku
貢ぐ: mitsugu
Kanji words: 貢献 , 年貢

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