Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Tokyo prefecture

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Tokyo Prefecture

東京都 東京
alternative words: Tokyoto prefecture, Tokyo, Tokyo city, Town of Tokyo, Tokyoto, Tokyo to, Tokio
keywords: harbor , prefecture , tokyo , town
related topics: Japan , Haneda Airport , Imperial Palace , Tokyo Tower , Sensoji Temple , Meiji Shrine , Ueno Zoological Garden , Shinjuku
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Capital of Japan and one of the biggest towns in the world. Administratively speaking, Tokyo is a prefecture and a town at the same time. Its surface is 2,162 km2 and the population 11.8 millions. It owns all the kinds of industries and heavy ones are concentrated especially on Tokyo Bay area. The eastern part is heavily urbanized and divided into 23 districts while central part is moderately urbanized with several satellite towns. The western part is mountainous.

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