Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Shimane Prefecture

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Shimane Prefecture

alternative words: Shimaneken prefecture, Shimane, Shimaneken, Shimane ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Izumo Shrine , Matsue City , Takeshima Island , Oki island , Nakanoumi
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explanation: Shimane prefecture occupies the northern part of Chugoku region, facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 6,628 km2 and the population 0.8 million. The prefectural office is at Matsue City. Once a political center of Japan, it became a forgotten of the history. Most of the area being rural, there exists few industry excepting for agriculture and fishing. On the contrary, there exist many interesting tourist spots like Oki islands and Izumo Shrine. The abacus of Shimane is notorious, too.

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