Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Mt Ontake

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Mt Ontake

御岳山 木曽御岳山
alternative words: Ontakesan, Mt Ontakesan, Ontake, Kisoontake, Kiso ontake, Kiso no ontake
keywords: mountain , nagano , volcano
related topics: Nagano prefecture , Gifu prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on the border between Nagano and Gifu prefectures, Mt Ontake has been a center of mountain faith (Shugendo) since old times. It is a composite strato-volcano and the highest peak is Kengamine (3067m). In 1979, people was astonished by a sudden eruption because there had existed no historic record. There exists on its outer skirt a beautiful primeval forest, protected by seigniors and emperors. The famous folklore song, Kisobushi, has immortalized Mt Ontake.

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