Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kusatsu spa

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Kusatsu spa

草津温泉 草津
alternative words: Kusatsu onsen, Kusatsu town, Kusatsu city, Kusatsucho, Kusatsu cho, Kusatsu
keywords: hot spring , ski resort , tourist resort , town
related topics: Gunma prefecture , Shiga highland
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in north west of Gunma prefecture on the southern skirt of Shiga highland, Kusatsu has been renowned for its rich thermal sources since 12th century. Belonging to "Joshinetsu national park", Kusatsu is also a tourist base for Shiga highland and owns many ski grounds. Folklore song, "Kusatsu bushi" is well known, too. You can get there in train via Agazuma line then bus from Naganohara station. The population is 8,000.

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