Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kamakura city

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Kamakura City

鎌倉市 鎌倉
alternative words: Kamakurashi city, Kamakura, Kamakurashi, Kamakura shi
keywords: kanagawa , tourist resort , town
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Great Buddha of Kamakura , Hachimangu Shrine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Kamakura being the town where Minamotono-Yoritomo opened a Shogunate in 1192, it has many shrines, temples and other historic spots, and is considered a representative tourist resort of Shonan Region. Moreover, there are many luxurious residences and villas, and recently many people have begun to go working to Tokyo Region from there. Its population is 175,000. You can access it by train from Tokyo Station (about 1 hour of trip).

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