Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Itsukushima Shrine

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Itsukushima Shrine

厳島神社 厳島 宮島
alternative words: Itsukushima, Miyajima shrine, Miyajima jingu, Miyajima
keywords: shrine , tourist resort , world heritage
related topics: Hiroshima Prefecture , Inland sea , Matsushima , Amanohashidate , Taira_no_kiyomori
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on a tiny island in Inland sea, Ikutsushima shrine was built in 593 during the reign of Empress Suiko and enlarged by Taira no Kiyomori in 12th century. It worships Princesses Ichikishima, Tagori and Tagitsu, and is considered as a protector of sailors. It belongs to "3 Japanese famous views" with Amanohashidate and Matsushima. Itsukushima mean "holy island" while Miyajima means "shrine island". The shrine has been enlisted in UNESCO's world heritage since 1996 for its exceptional architecture.

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