Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Enryakuji temple

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Enryakuji Temple

alternative words: Enryaku-ji Temple, Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, Hiezan Enryakuji Temple, Hieizan Enryakuji, Hiezan Enryakuji
keywords: temple
related topics: Shiga Prefecture
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explanation: One of the most influent Buddhist temples, located in Shiga Prefecture, on the hill between Lake Biwa and Kyoto City. It was built by Saicho in 785 and became the central temple of Tendai School. During the Middle Ages, the temple had been so powerful that it fought several times against the central power. Furious, a war lord, Nobunaga burned out completely all the buildings in 1571 and restored by Hideyoshi in 1584 but lost the political power.

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