Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Akita prefecture

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Akita Prefecture

alternative words: Akitaken prefecture, Akita, Akitaken, Akita-ken, Akita ken, Akitakenn
keywords: prefecture , tohoku
related topics: Akita city , Lake Towada , Lake Tazawa , Hachimantai , Lake Hachiro , Mt Chokai
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explanation: Akita prefecture occupies the north-western part of Tohoku region, facing JapanSea. Its surface is 11,612 km2 and the population 1.2 million. The prefectural office is at Akita city. Akita is well known for its rich rice fields. In order to increase its surface, the government has filled up the Japan's second largest lake, Hachiro-gata, since 1957. The region has also been rich in mineral resources like silver, copper and petroleum but they have been exhausted.

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