Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Akasaka palace

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Akasaka palace

赤坂離宮 東宮御所 青山御所 迎賓館
alternative words: Akasaka detached palace, Akasaka rikyu, Togugosho, Togu-gosho, Togu gosho, Aoyamagosho, Aoyama-gosho, Geihinkan, Geihin-kan
keywords: building , castle , tokyo
related topics: Aoyama , Imperial palace
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explanation: Palace located at Minato ward in Tokyo. During Edo period, it was served as a residence of the seignior of Ki in Tokyo. After a short period when it had been used as the temporary imperial palace between 1873 and 1889, it became the crown prince's residence. The actual building was planed by Katayama Tokuma by imitating the Louvre palace near Paris and completed in 1909. After a restoration in 1974, it is now served as an official guest house of the government.

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