Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Montmartre hill

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Montmartre hill

French words: Butte Montmartre
alternative words: Montmartre
keywords: locality , paris , tourist resort
related topics: Sacre Coeur Basilica , Saint Denis
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in a northern sector of Paris, Montmartre hill was initially outside Paris with free of its taxes before being annexed in 1860 and farmers were cultivating vineyards. For this reason, Montmarte got a reputation of the place to drink cheaply and it attracted many people, especially artists. Legendary le Tertre place is now crowded by portraitists and paint merchants. Montmartre is also the place of martyr of Saint Denis around 250 A.C. Now Sacre-coeur Basilica is towering at the top of hill.

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