Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Gard bridge

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Gard bridge

French words: Pont du Gard
alternative words: Gard aqueduct, Pont du Gard
keywords: human heritage , roman remains , southern france , tourist resort
related topics: Nimes
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Gard bridge was built by Romans between 40 and 60 A. D. over Gardon river in order to bring waters to Nimes city located 25km south-west in Gard prefecture. The length of aqueduct was about 50km with gradient of only 34cm per km and it delivered 20,000 m3 per day. The bridge height is 47m with arches of 3 levels and the length is 275m. After the collapse of Roman empire, the aqueduct has been no more maintained and during Middle ages, the bridge was used only as a road to pass another side of the river.

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