Online dictionary of Iraq war: state

This is the online dictionary of Iraq developed by Free Light Software. By clicking on an Arabic word, you can find Iraq related sites from Arabic search engines. By clicking on a globe icon, you can display the locality on a map of Iraq.
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Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq
alternative words: Republic of Iraq, Al-Jumhuriyah Al-Iraqiyah, Irak
keywords: state
related topics: Baghdad , Kuwait , Ottoman Empire , Euphrates river , Tigris river
related web sites: ,
explanation: Country surrounded by, in clockwise from north, Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia, Jordan and Syria, its land covers that of the Mesopotamian civilisation. The modern Iraq was borne from a dismantlement of Ottoman empire in 1920. British mandate state until 1932, then a monarchy which was overthrown in 1958 to become a republic. Baath party took power in 1963. Iraq means "between 2 rivers", i.e. Euphrates and Tigris in old Semite language. Population: 24 millions, surface: 437,072 km2, capital: Baghdad.


Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait
alternative words: Dawlat al Kuwayt
keywords: state
related topics: Iraq , Ottoman Empire
related web sites:
explanation: Middle-east country surrounded by Iraq in North, Saudi-Arabia in South and Persian Gulf in East. A part of Ottoman empire since 16th century, British detached it by creating a protectorate state in 1899. The discovery of oil fields has made it one of the richest country. Kuwait declared independence in 1961. Considering Kuwait as a relic of colonialism, Iraq has annexed it in 1990 but withdrawn next year during Gulf War. Population: 2 millions, surface: 17,820 km2, capital: Kuwait city.

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire
alternative words: Turkish Empire, Osman Empire, Ottoman
keywords: state
related topics: Iraq
related web sites: ,
explanation: Empire founded by a Turkish tribal leader of western Anatolia, Osman I, in 14th century. In 1453, Mehmed II conquered Constantinople (Istanbul). During the reign of Selim I in 16th century, the empire reached the apex and controlled all the middle east and south eastern Europe as well as north Africa and Caucasus region. After loosing the battle before Vienna in 1683, the empire began to decline slowly. The dismantlement of Ottoman, consequent to the defeat of WWI, generated many new nations such as Iraq.
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