Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: buddhism

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alternative words: Unke
keywords: artist , buddhism , famous person
related topics: Kamakura period , Buddhism , Nyorai , Kongo rikishi
explanation: Buddhist sculptor of the early Kamakura period. His masculine and dynamic style appealed to the warriors of the Kamakura period who had just taken political powers from Kyoto's aristocrats. As his master pieces, we can quote "Dainichi Nyorai" statue at Enjoji Temple and "Kongo Rikishi" statue at Todaiji Temple, both being located at Nara city. His birth day unknown, died in 1223.


alternative words: Zen sect, Zenshu, Zen shu
keywords: buddhism , china , religion , sect
related topics: Daruma , Buddhism , Kamakura period , Rinzai sect , Myoan Yosai , Soto sect , Eihe Dogen
related web sites: ,
explanation: One of Buddhist doctrines which gives an importance to the meditation and existed in India since old times. Daruma (Bodhidharma) propagated it to China around 5th century. In Japan it arrived during Nara period but hadn't become popular until Kamakura period when Eisai and Dogen brought from China respectively Rinzai and Soto teachings. Then, Zen gave great influences to Japanese architecture and literature. Zen comes from dhyana in Sanskrit, i.e. "meditation".
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