Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: wakayama

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Kii peninsula

alternative words: Ki peninsula, Kii hanto, Kii-hanto, Kiihanto
keywords: peninsula , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama prefecture , Nara prefecture , Mie prefecture , Kumano hongu shrine , Kansai region
explanation: Peninsula located in the south of Kansai region and covering Wakayama, Nara and Mie prefectures. Projecting toward the Pacific ocean, Kii peninsula has an oceanic climate under an influence of Kuroshio current. Due to its mountainous geography, a heavy rain lets grow luxuriant plants and was a favorite training ground for Esoteric Buddhist schools during the middle ages. Moreover, because of a rias type coast, it owns many good harbors and, consequently, an active fishery.

Kongobuji temple

高野山金剛峰寺 高野山 金剛峰寺
alternative words: Kongoubuji Temple, Koyasan Kongobuji, Koya-san Kongobu-ji, Kongobu-ji, Kongobuji, Koyasan, Kouyasan
keywords: temple , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture , Nankai electric railway
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explanation: One of the most prestigious temples, situated at Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture. It was built in 819 by a famous Japanese priest Kukai alias Kobotaishi who is the founder of Shingon School. Being isolated from the rest of the world, it had been a popular training camp for young Buddhist monks in the old times. Though its access being forbidden to women before Meiji Era, now everybody can visit it by using a cable car.

Kumano Hongu Shrine

alternative words: Kumanohongu shrine, Kumano shrine, Kumano hongu taisha Shrine, Kumano hongu taisha, Kumano
keywords: shrine , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture , Shimane Prefecture
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explanation: One of the oldest shrines in Japan located in Wakayama Prefecture. It worships Japanese Sea God and the founder of Izumo dynasty in Shimane, Susanonomikoto. It is one of the historical mysteries because Shimane, which is far from Wakayama, possesses also an own Kumano Shrine. With Kumano hayatama shrine and Kumano nachi shrine, it forms one of the 3 centers of Kumano faith which had been very popular during the Middle Ages.

Shirahama Spa

alternative words: Shirahamaonsen Spa, Shirahama onsen, Shirahamaonsen, Shirahama
keywords: hot spring , tourist resort , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shiraham Spa was called "Hot spring of Muro" in Asuka-Nara period and developing as a hot spring town along Kumano road. It received even regular visits of each Emperor from afar because of its fame. After the opening of West Kisei line railroad, it has become suddenly a big spa town of south Ki region.

Wakayama Prefecture

alternative words: Wakayamaken prefecture, Wakayama, Wakayamaken, Wakayama ken
keywords: prefecture , wakayama
related topics: Kii peninsula , Kumano Hongu Shrine , Kongobuji Temple , Shirahama Spa
related web sites: ,
explanation: Wakayama prefecture occupies the southern part of Kinki region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 4,724 km2 and the population 1 million. The prefectural office is at Wakayama City. Excepting for the extreme northern region where most of the human activity is concentrated, all the region is mountainous and covered by deep forests. On the coastal region, fishing is prosperous because it owns many good harbors. Thanks to a mild climate, it produces many kinds of oranges, too.
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