Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: transport

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French words: Bateau-mouche
alternative words: Seine cruise, Seine excursion
keywords: paris , transport
related topics: Louvre museum , Eiffel tower , Notre-Dame cathedral , Orsay museum
related web sites:
explanation: Seine river passing through the center of Paris, it is an agreeable way to admire famous Parisian monuments built along the river bank such as Louvre palace, Norte-Dame cathedral, Eiffel tower and Orsay museum from an excursion ship when it is fine. Most of the embarkations are performed from a quay at the foot of Eiffel tower and the excursion lasts one hour without meal and 2 hours with a dinner service.

Canal du midi

French words: Canal du midi
alternative words: South canal, Southern canal
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , transport
related topics: Toulouse
related web sites:
explanation: In 1662, French King Louis XIV asked Pierre Paul Riquet to create a direct navigable route from the Atlantic ocean to the Mediterranean sea by avoiding Spain hostile to France. Begun in 1666 and achieved in 1681 with 12000 workers, Canal du Midi connects Toulouse on Garonne river and Sete on the Mediterranean through ingenious mechanism such as tunnels and bridges over rivers. Considered as a major technical realization of 17th century, Canal du Midi has been enlisted to Unesco human heritage since 1996.


French words: Eurostar
alternative words: Eurostar train
keywords: transport
related topics: TGV , Eurotunnel , Gare du Nord
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explanation: High speed train link between London-Paris and London-Brussels via Dover tunnel. The service began in November 1994 after the opening of Channel tunnel in May 1994. Though the train could reach 300km/h in France, England not owing high speed tracks, the speed was limited to 160km. Since 2003, a part of British tracks has been upgraded and it takes now 2 h 35 between London-Paris. Derived from TGV and made by Alstom, the locomotive can adapt 3 different voltages and a train carries 800 persons with 18 cars.


French words: Eurotunnel , Tunnel sous la manche
alternative words: Dover tunnel, Channel tunnel
keywords: transport
related topics: Eurostar
related web sites:
explanation: Man planed a tunnel under Dover strait early as the 19th century but many projects had been given up until 1986 when the French and British governments signed a final agreement. Inaugurated by Queen Elisabeth and President Mitterand in 1994, Eurotunnel is the world's second longest tunnel (50km long) but built without government aid, the exploiting company has got quickly financial trouble. Shuttle service brings cars on train between Sangatte and Folkstone, while Eurostar connects Paris and London in 3h30.

Frejus tunnel

French words: Tunnel du Fréjus
alternative words: Tunnel of Frejus
keywords: alps , transport
related topics: Mont Blanc tunnel
related web sites: ,
explanation: Man has planed early as 19th century to dig a tunnel under the Alps between France and Italy because both sides belonged to Sardinia kingdom at that time. The first railroad tunnel opened in 1871. Its total length is 13,7km. Now a new railroad tunnel for TGV is under studies. The construction of a car tunnel began one century later and achieved in 1980. Its total length is 12,9km. After a fire inside the tunnel in June 2005, all the traffics have been deported to Mont Blanc tunnel in spite of an opposition.

Gare d'Austerlitz

French words: Gare d'Austerlitz
alternative words: Austerlitz station, Paris Austerlitz station, Austerlitz railroad station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: TGV , RER , Paris subway , Gare Montparnasse , SNCF , Orleans
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on the left bank of Seine river in southeastern Paris near Botanic Garden, Gare d'Austerlitz was built in 1840 in order to serve Paris-Corbeil then Paris-Orleans line. The subsequent extension was designed by the architect Pierre-Louis Renaud between 1865-1868 but Parisians have never loved its metallic structure. The first subway line arrives in the second floor because it has then to cross over the Seine. After an opening of Atlantic TGV line, many passengers has passed to Montparnasse station.

Gare de l'Est

French words: Gare de l'Est
alternative words: Eastern station, East station, East railroad station, Paris east station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: TGV , RER , Strasbourg , Paris subway , Gare du Nord , SNCF
related web sites: ,
explanation: Locate at northern end of Strasbourg avenue just near Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est was built between 1847-1850 by the architect François-Alexandre Duquesney in order to serve Paris-Strasbourg line functioning since 1844. Its western wing, original of this epoch, is decorated with a statue of Strasbourg while the eastern wing, a statue of Verdun. In 1883, the first Orient Express departed from there. After an opening of the line E of RER, it has lost many passengers, waiting for the arrival of Eastern TGV.

Gare de Lyon

French words: Gare de Lyon
alternative words: Lyon station, Lyon railroad station, Gare de Lyon station, Paris Lyon station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: Lyon , TGV , Paris subway , RER , SNCF
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in eastern Paris on the right bank of the Seine, the railroad station "Gare de Lyon" was built in 1855 as a terminus for Lyon and Mediterranean region. In order to host the world exposition of 1900, the station was enlarged between 1895-1902 by Marius Toudoire as architect. A clock tower, the restaurant "train bleu" and the 1st Paris subway station were also added at the same time. In 1977, The line A of RER for the eastern Paris suburb was opened. Since 1981, Paris-Lyon TGV has been served there.

Gare du Nord

French words: Gare du Nord
alternative words: North station, North railroad station, Northern station, Gare du nord station, Paris North station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: TGV , Paris subway , RER , Eurostar , SNCF , Lille
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in northern Paris, the station "Gare du Nord" was built in 1846 in order to serve the northern France like Lille and Amiens, and London. Becoming quickly too small, it was enlarged between 1861-1865 by Jacques Hittorff as architect who put 23 statues on the front, each representing a destination city. In 1906-1908, the subway which links the north and south Paris arrived. The line B of RER for De Gaulle airport was opened in 1981. The northern TGV and Eurostar have been served there since 1993-1994.

Gare Montparnasse

French words: Gare Montparnasse
alternative words: Montparnasse station, Montparnasse railroad station, Gare Montparnasse station
keywords: building , paris , transport
related topics: Montparnasse tower , TGV , Paris subway , SNCF
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in southern Paris, the station "Gare Montparnasse" was built in 1840 at the end of Rennes street with the name of "Gare de l'Ouest". Becoming quickly too small, it was replaced by the architect Victor Lenoir between 1848-1852. In 1895, an arriving locomotive fell from the 2nd floor to the street. The old station had survived until 1960's when a skyscraper "Montparnasse tower" and a new station hundreds meters backward were built by a new urbanization. Since 1990, Atlantic TGV has been served there.
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