Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: bourgogne

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French words: Beaujolais
keywords: bourgogne , tourist resort , wine
related topics: Lyon
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located northwest of Lyon in south Bourgogne, Beaujolais is a reputed region for its vineyard. Beaujolais wines are divided into 4 categories. Beaujolais: classic Beaujolais wine (3/4 of the production). Beaujolais villages: classic Beaujolais wine but only 38 villages bear this name (1/4 of the production). Crus du Beaujolais: the best Beaujolais vintage and only 10 villages bear this name. Beaujolais nouveau: wine consumed cold in first November without reaching a maturity (1/3 of the first 2 categories).

Beaune Hospice

French words: Hospices de Beaune
alternative words: Hospice de Beaune, Hospice of Beaune, Hospices de Beaune
keywords: bourgogne , museum , tourist resort , wine
related topics: Dijon
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located at Beaune, in 40 km south of Dijon, the hospice of Beaune was founded in 1443 by the chancellor of Burgundy, Nicolas Rolin as a charity running hospital. The hospice had continued to receive patients until 1971 when a new hospital was built. "Hospices de Beaune", covered with polychrome tiles, stocks also about 5000 art collections, most of them offered as a donation. Each November, the hospice of Beaune organizes a charity auction of wines coming from its prestigious vintage, covering 60 hectares.


French words: Dijon
keywords: bourgogne , tourist resort , town , wine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 300km southeast of Paris, Dijon had already existed in Roman period but it has really grown since the middle ages when it became the capital of powerful Burgundy dukedom. Though, Burgundy was annexed by French King Louis XI in 1477, Dijon has continued to develop thanks to wine production and its crossroad position of Europe. An university was founded in 1722. Dijon is the capital of Bourgogne region and the population 142000. You can look over the whole city from a tower of the ducal palace.

Fontenay abbey

French words: Abbaye de Fontenay
alternative words: Fontenay monastery, Abbey of Fontenay, Monastery of Fontenay
keywords: bourgogne , church , human heritage , tourist resort
related web sites: ,
explanation: Founded by Saint Bernard in 1118 in a swampy valley of Bourgogne near Montbard, Fontenay abbey is one of the oldest Cistercian monasteries still existing in Europe. It was so influential to become a royal abbey in 1269. Though sold to become a paper mill after the French revolution, all the buildings have been restored to the original state excepting for the dining room. Fontenay abbey was chosen as a human heritage of UNESCO in 1981.


French words: Vézelay
alternative words: Vezelay Hill
keywords: bourgogne , human heritage , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: This tiny village, located at the hilltop near Avallon in Bourgogne region, played important roles during the middle ages. In fact, Vezelay was an assembling point for the pilgrimage of "Santiago de Compostela". Saint Bernard preached there, in the presence of the French King Louis VII, to the second crusade in 1146. Though Vezelay has declined since then, Mary Magdalene Basilica is considered as a master piece of Romanesque art. Since 1979, Vezelay and its environment belong to a human heritage of UNESCO.
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