Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: town

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Oita city

alternative words: Oitashi city, Oitashi, Oita shi, Ooitashi, Ooita shi, Oita, Ooita
keywords: harbor , kyushu , town , world cup
related topics: Oita prefecture
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explanation: Capital of Oita prefecture. Located in the center of Oita prefecture, facing Beppu bay, Oita has been always the regional political center thanks to a rich Oita plain. During Muromachi period, Oita had been prosperous as a castle town of Otomo clan which was trading with Portuguese. The activity is petrochemical, electronic and steal industries. The rural area is cultivating oranges and vegetables. Mt Takasakiyama located on the west is well known for a wild monkey's colony. The population is 427,000.

Okayama city

alternative words: Okayamashi city, Okayamashi, Okayama-shi, Okayama shi, Okayama
keywords: town
related topics: Okayama prefecture , Korakuen garden , Inland sea
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explanation: Capital of Okayama prefecture. Located on the shore of Inland sea, it had developed as a castle of Ukita family then Ikeda family. Reclaiming continuously Kojima bay in order to increase rice fields, the city is now distant from the shore. Textile, electronics and metal industries are prosperous. Korakuen garden located near Okayama castle is one of the 3 most famous Japanese gardens. Okayama owns an airport and an university, too. Its population is 572,000.

Ome city

alternative words: Omeshi city, Omeshi, Ome shi, Ome, Oume
keywords: tokyo , tourist resort , town
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Tama river , Kofu city
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explanation: Town developed on the western edge of Tokyo prefecture, at entrance of Tama valley. During Edo period, the town was prosperous as post town of Ome road which linked Tokyo with Kofu. The town's old specialty, the cotton industry like bedding and towel manufacture is going to be replaced by machinery while the forestry is active in mountain area. As tourist spots, we can quote Mt Ontake, Shiobune Kannon temple and Ome railway park. The population is 136,000.

Osaka city

alternative words: Osakashi city, Osakashi, Osaka-shi, Osaka shi, Oosakashi, Oosaka-shi, Osaka, Oosaka
keywords: harbor , osaka , town
related topics: Osaka prefecture , Hanshin electric railway , Shitennoji temple , Nakanoshima island , Universal studio Japan , Osaka castle
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explanation: Town located at the center of Osaka Prefecture. Its population is 2.6 millions. Close to the old Japanese political center "Nara" and facing Inland Sea at the same time, Osaka has been always a strategic place in Japanese history. After the defeat of Toyotomi family at the beginning of 17th century, its political role has been diminished but always remained as an economic center of Japan and has many industries. The town has also many tourist spots like Osaka Castle and Shitennoji Temple.

Otaru city

alternative words: Otarushi, Otaru
keywords: harbor , hokkaido , tourist resort , town
related topics: Sapporo city
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explanation: Located 30km west of Sapporo, Hokkaido's capital, Otaru had been a prosperous harbor for shipping of coals from Ishikari and trading with Sakhalin Island or Siberia. In 1880, Japanese government built a third Japanese railroad between Otaru and Sapporo, stressing its strategic importance. Since WWII, Otaru has declined with disappearance of coal industries and trade with Russia, but become an original tourist destination thanks to well preserved industrial monuments. Its population is about 138,000.

Otsu city

alternative words: Otsushi city, Otsushi, Otsushi-shi, Otsu shi, Otsu, Ootsu
keywords: harbor , town
related topics: Shiga prefecture , Lake Biwa , Kyoto city , Enryakuji temple
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explanation: Capital of Shiga prefecture. Located on the western shore of Lake Biwa, Otsu has a very old history: it was once Japanese capital between 657-672 and called "Otsu no miya". During the middle ages, Otsu was prosperous as an external harbor of Kyoto city and temple town of 2 famous temples: Enryakuji and Onjoji. The main activity is the textile and electric industry. In 1891, Russian crown prince, later Tsar Nicolai II, was attacked by a ruffian. The total population is 280,000.

Rokkasho Village

alternative words: Rokkashomura village, Rokkasho mura, Rokkasho-mura, Rokkashomura, Rokkasho
keywords: research center , town
related topics: Aomori Prefecture
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explanation: Located in the east of Aomori Prefecture, this tranquil village on the Pacific coast became suddenly notorious when the central government had decided to build there the first nuclear fuel processing plant in Japan. The plant began to operate in 1992 despite of a huge opposition of environmentalists.

Sagamihara city

相模原市 相模原
alternative words: Sagamiharashi city, Sagamihara shi, Sagamihara
keywords: kanagawa , military base , town
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture , Tokyo prefecture , Machida city , Odakyu electric railway
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explanation: Located in the north of Kanagawa prefecture and contiguous to Machida city in Tokyo prefecture, Sagamihara had been a quiet rural area, cultivating mulberry for silk worms until 1960s when electric appliance and food processing factories appeared. Along Odakyu railroad line in the east, many houses have been built for workers of Tokyo, while American Zama military camp is in the south. The population is 608,000.

Sakurai city

桜井市 桜井
alternative words: Sakuraishi city, Sakuraishi, Sakurai shi, Sakurai
keywords: nara , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nara prefecture , Oomiwa shrine
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explanation: Located in the center of Nara prefecture and sud-east of Nara basin, Sakurai had been once the center of Japanese civilization with Oomiwa shrine which enshrines Oomononushi and Hasihaka tumulus which may be a grave of Queen Himiko. For that reason, Sakurai attracts many amateurs of the old civilization. Sakurai is also active in sawing industry for forestry of Yoshino mountains. Somen (Japanese noodles) of Miwa is well known, too. The population is 64,000.

Sapporo City

alternative words: Sapporoshi city, Sapporo, Sapporoshi, Sapporo-shi, Sapporo shi
keywords: hokkaido , olympic games , ski resort , town
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Chitose airport , Okurayama ski jump
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explanation: Town where the office of Hokkaido Prefecture is situated. The population is 1.5 million. Sapporo was built in 1871 as an administer center for colonization of Hokkaido, by following a daring urban plan: contrary to other Japanese cities, streets are straight and crossing vertically one against another. The main industries are dairy products and electronics. Having an international airport its access is very easy. Winter Olympics took place in 1972.
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