Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: famous person

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Ishida Mitsunari

alternative words: Mitsunari Ishida, Mitsunari
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Battle of Sekigahara
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explanation: Born in 1560 in Shiga prefecture. He served near Toyotomi Hideyoshi very young. His cleverness especially in accounting and logistic matters had greatly contributed to the unification of Japan by Hideyoshi because he had to manage bigger and bigger army with the time. As 5 bugyos (commissioners), he measured precisely the surface of rice fields all over Japan. After the death of Hideyoshi, he entered a conflict with Tokugawa Ieyasu. After the defeat of Sekigahara in 1600, he was executed.

Itagaki Taisuke

alternative words: Taisuke Itagaki
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period
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explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Tosa domain. During Meiji revolution, he had greatly contributed to beat the resistance of Tohoku region. For that reason, he got an important post in the newly created Meiji government but quickly left it because of a dispute on the Korean policy. Then he strove for the creation of a Japanese parliament by forming "Liberal Party". He was nearly killed by a terrorist attack in 1882. He died in 1919 and is considered the father of Japanese democracy.

Ito Hirobumi

alternative words: Hirobumi Ito, Itou Hirobumi, Hirobumi Itou, Itoh Hirobumi
keywords: famous person , korea , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji Revolution , Meiji period , Choshu domain , Yoshida Shoin , Genro , Meiji constitution
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explanation: Born in 1841 in a poor family of Choshu domain. After studies in Yoshida Shoin's school, he was sent to England to learn western technology but returned back when a war against 4 colonial powers broke out. After the restoration of Meiji, he became the most influential man and worked on the elaboration of Meiji constitution to become himself the first Japanese prime minister. Favorable to the annexation of Korea, he was assassinated by a nationalist in 1909 in Manchuria.

Ito Ittosai

伊東一刀斎 伊藤一刀斎
alternative words: Ittosai Ito, Itou Ittosai, Ittosai Itou, Ittosai
keywords: famous person , swordsman
related topics: Sengoku period
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explanation: Famous swordsman of late Sengoku period and early Edo period. Born at Ito in Izu peninsula around 1560 and learned the sword tactic alone then Shinkage school from Kanemaki Jisai. He founded then Ittoryu (school of one stroke) and allowed Ono Tadaaki to succeed him. According to a legend, he carried out 33 combats during his travel to find adversaries all over Japan and never lost. He died in 1628 (according to some source in 1632).

Iwakura Tomomi

alternative words: Tomomi Iwakura
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Bakumatsu , Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Emperor Komei
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explanation: Born in 1825 in a low ranked noble family then adopted by higher raked Iwakura family to become a chamberlain of Emperor Komei. Initially anti-westerner and for a corporation of imperial and Tokugawa families (Kobugattairon), he shifted gradually his opinion to the suppression of Edo shogunate. After a fall of the latter, he strove for the creation of a centralized western style regime around the emperor. He opposed to a punitive expedition to Korea. He died in 1883.

Kato Kiyomasa

alternative words: Kiyomasa Kato
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Invasion of Korea , Ishida Mitsunari , Battle of Sekigahara , Tokugawa Ieyasu
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explanation: Born in 1562 in Aichi prefecture in a relative family of Hideyoshi. For that reason, Kiyomasa served him very young and showed a courage on battle fields such as Shizugatake in 1583. During Korean campaign of 1592, his troops went up to Manchuria border. Gradually his relationships with Ishida Mitsunari became chilly. For that reason he was in Ieyasu's side during battle of Sekigahara. He strove in vain for a reconciliation of Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans. He died in 1611.

Katsu Kaishu

alternative words: Kaishu Katsu, Katsu Rintaro, Rintaro Katsu
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman
related topics: Rangaku , Meiji Revolution , Edo shogunate , Bugyo , Hatamoto
explanation: Born in 1823 at Tokyo in a Hatamoto family. He had become familiar with the western technology by learning Dutch language. For that reason he went by ship to USA as captain of Rinkanmaru to ratify Harris treaty. He was nominated then to "Gunkan bugyo" ( a kind of naval minister) to form Japanese to the western military technology. In 1868, he negotiated a surrender of Tokugawa regime with Saigo Takamori to let his army take over Tokyo without fighting. He died in 1899.

Katsushika Hokusai

葛飾北斎 北斎
alternative words: Hokusai Katsushika, Hokusai
keywords: artist , famous person , ukiyoe
related topics: Ukiyoe , Edo period
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explanation: Katsushika Hokusai is an ukiyoe artist of the late Edo period and excels especially in landscapes and beauty portraits. He owned a very strong ego and the composition and the coloration of his pictures show an overflowing talent. The series Fugaku-Sanjyurokkei is his most representative work.

Ki no Tsurayuki

alternative words: Kino Tsurayuki, Tsurayuki Kino, Tsurayuki
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Kokinwakashu , Heian period , Waka
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explanation: Poet and bureaucrat of Heian period. Born in a family of middle class bureaucrat in 872. Talented in waka (Japanese poems), he became the leading compiler of Konkinshu in 905 and added Kokinwakashu jo which is the first known critic work on Japanese poems. Then, he was nominated to the governor of Kochi prefecture in 930. The diary written during his return trip to Kyoto in 935, Tosa diary (Tosa nikki), is an initiator of pure Japanese style prose. He died in 945.

Kido Takayoshi

木戸孝允 桂小五郎
alternative words: Takayoshi Kido, Kido Koin, Koin Kido, Katsura Kogoro, Kogoro Katsura
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Itagaki Taisuke , Okubo Toshimichi , Choshu domain , Yoshida Shoin
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1833 as a samurai of Chushu domain and soon adopted by Katsura family. He frequented first the school of Yoshida Shoin then learned the western military technique in Tokyo. Since 1862, he had been in charge of Choshu domain's policy and strove for the suppression of Edo shogunate by allying with Satsuma domain. He participated then to the new Meiji government: his policy was between autocratic Okubo Toshimichi and democratic Itagaki Taisuke. He died in 1877.
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