Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: town

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Kusatsu spa

草津温泉 草津
alternative words: Kusatsu onsen, Kusatsu town, Kusatsu city, Kusatsucho, Kusatsu cho, Kusatsu
keywords: hot spring , ski resort , tourist resort , town
related topics: Gunma prefecture , Shiga highland
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in north west of Gunma prefecture on the southern skirt of Shiga highland, Kusatsu has been renowned for its rich thermal sources since 12th century. Belonging to "Joshinetsu national park", Kusatsu is also a tourist base for Shiga highland and owns many ski grounds. Folklore song, "Kusatsu bushi" is well known, too. You can get there in train via Agazuma line then bus from Naganohara station. The population is 8,000.

Kyoto City

京都市 京都
alternative words: Kyotoshi city, Kyotoshi, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto shi, Kyoto, Kioto
keywords: kyoto , tourist resort , town
related topics: Kyoto Prefecture , Kinkakuji Temple , Ginkakuji Temple , Nishi Honganji Temple , Yasaka Shrine , Heanjingu Shrine , Nijo Castle
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explanation: Town where the office of Kyoto Prefecture is situated. The population is 1.5 million. Kyoto has been built by Emperor Kanmu in 794 and remained as Japanese capital during more than 1000 years until 1869. By imitating Chinese capital, the town is divided into districts by horizontal and vertical streets as a checkerboard. As an old political center, there exist innumerable temples and shrines like Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji. Traditional cloth and pottery manufactures are notorious too.

Machida city

alternative words: Machidashi city, Machidashi, Machida-shi, Machida shi, Machida
keywords: tokyo , town
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Kanagawa prefecture , Hachioji city , Yokohama city , Odakyu electric railway , Shibuya
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explanation: Located on the southwestern suburb of Tokyo and contiguous to Kanagawa prefecture, Machida has developed on the road connecting Hachioji and Yokoyama to export the silk. Now Machida is developing as a bed town for the people working in Tokyo. You can get there via Odakyu line from Shibuya station. Tamagawa university is located there. The population is 380,000.

Maebashi city

alternative words: Maebashishi city, Maebashishi, Maebashi shi, Maebashi
keywords: town
related topics: Gunma prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Capital of Gunma prefecture. Located in southern Gunma between Mt Akagi and Mt Haruna, Maebashi has been always the regional political center and owns the biggest tumulus of eastern Japan, Tenjinyama kofun. During Edo period Maebashi had developed as a castle town and a distribution center of raw silk. Now the main activity has switched to machinery and electrical appliances. Maebashi is a phonetic deformation of Umayabashi i.e. "bridge near stable". The population is 283,000.

Maizuru city

舞鶴市 舞鶴
alternative words: Maizurushi city, Maizurushi, Maizuru shi, Maizuru
keywords: harbor , kyoto , military base , town
related topics: Kyoto prefecture
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explanation: Located in northern Kyoto prefecture on Japan sea, the actual Maizuru originated from a merger of 2 towns: western Maizuru which was a castle town of lord Kyogoku and eastern Maizuro which developed as a military harbor. The harbor was a repatriate base of overseas Japanese after WWII. The main activities are shipyards, machinery, chemical and textile industry, and trade with Russia and Korea. The shore belongs to Wakasa bay national selection park. The population is 94,000.

Matsue City

alternative words: Matsueshi city, Matsueshi, Matsue-shi, Matsue
keywords: town
related topics: Shimane Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Capital of Shimane Prefecture, located on the shore of Lake Shinji.It has developed as a castle townduring Edo Period. Greek born English writer, Lafcadio Hearn, alias Koizumi Yakumo stayed there as an English teacher. There are few industries excepting for traditional crafts and electric appliances. Its population is about 140,000.

Matsuyama City

alternative words: Matsuyamashi city, Matsuyamashi, Matsuyama-shi, Matsuyama shi, Matsuyama
keywords: hot spring , shikoku , town
related topics: Ehime prefecture , Matsuyama Castle
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explanation: Located at the center of Ehime prefecture, its capital is settled there. Matsuyama has a rich history because according to Nihonshoki, Prince Shotoku visited in 596 the hot spring of Dogo, now a part of Matsuyama, and built a stele. During the middle ages, it was a feud of Kono clan until 16th century. Chemicals, textile and petroleum are its main industries. Matsuyama keeps memory of 2 poets, Masaoka Shiki and Takahama Kyoshi, and a novelis, Natsume Soseki. The population is 464,000.

Mihama city

alternative words: Mihama, Mihamacho, Mihama-cho
keywords: tourist resort , town
related topics: Fukui Prefecture
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located west of Fukui prefecture, next to Tsuruga city, Mihama is renowned for its beautiful beach and a splendid view on Mikatagoko lakes, and the most of its coast belongs to "Wakasa Bay national selection park". Mihama city owns also a nuclear power plant with 3 rectors at its northern extremity.

Misawa City

三沢市 三沢
alternative words: Misawashi city, Misawashi, Misawa shi, Misawa
keywords: military base , town
related topics: Aomori Prefecture
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explanation: Located in the east of Aomori Prefecture on the Pacific coast, it owns an American air base conjointly used now by Japanese. The base has a center of "Echelon project", too. The city's total population is about 41,000.

Mitaka city

alternative words: Mitakashi city, Mitakashi, Mitaka shi, Mitaka
keywords: tokyo , town
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Shinjuku
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explanation: Located in the western suburb of Tokyo, the area had developed first as a rich farm land during Edo period thanks to Inogashira spring. Since Showa era, the aria has been quickly urbanized and many factories especially machinery and automobile were settled. There exist also many houses and dormitories for the workers thanks to its easy access to Tokyo (20 minutes in train from Shinjiku station via Chuo line). Mitaka means "3 falcons" because there existed 3 falconry lands. The population is 160,000.
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