Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: town

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French words: Reims
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town , wine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 130 km northeast of Paris in northern France, Reims has existed since Roman period and played an important historic role. In fact, since the baptism of Clovis in 496, French kings had used to be crowned in Reims' cathedral. During WWI, it was heavily shelled by German troops. Cultivating grapes used for the champagne on the neighboring hill, Reims is the economic capital of Champagne region and its population 187000. Since 1991, the medieval monuments of Reims have belonged to Unesco human heritage.


French words: Rennes
keywords: tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in eastern Brittany, Rennes had been called "Condate" during the Roman empire. During the middles ages, Rennes strove as the capital of an independent Brittany. In 1720, traditional wood houses at town center were burned out by a terrific fire. The parliament of Brittany, suppressed in 1790 is served now as court house. Owning an university founded in 1735, Rennes has many high-tech industries such as electronics and computer. Rennes is the capital of Bretagne region and the population 200,000.


French words: Rocamadour
keywords: church , human heritage , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Hanged on a cliff over Alzou river in southwestern France, Rocamadour had already a small sanctuary dedicated to Virgin Mary before 10th century. It got a fame when man had discovered in 1166 a corps under the chapel, quickly attributed to a relic of Saint Amadour due to the miracles it provoked. Though many monuments have been damaged by religious wars, Rocamadour was enlisted in Uesco's human heritage in 1998 as a monument of Santiago de Compostela pilgrim. The car parking is on the tableland at top.


French words: Rouen
keywords: normandy , tourist resort , town
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located 120km northwest of Paris, Rouen had developed as Roman town named, Rotomagus, which owned the first bridge over the Seine. During the middle ages, Rouen first suffered with Viking invasions but in 911, their leader, Rollen accepted to become a vassal of French king as duke of Normandy and Rouen as capital. During 100 year war in 1431, Jeanne d'Arc was judged and burned at Rouen. As external harbor of Paris, Rouen has many heavy industries such as shipyards and petrochemicals. Its population 108,000.

Saint Denis

French words: Saint Denis
alternative words: Saint Denis Cathedral
keywords: church , paris suburb , sport , town
related topics: Montmartre hill
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in northern suburb of Paris, Saint Denis is known for its necropolis of French kings. According to a legend, the first bishop of Paris, Saint Denis might walk 6km north with his head hold after being beheaded at Montmartre hill in 3th century. French kings used to be buried in a basilica built in 12th century at the place where he might fall. Saint Denis was also a center of labor movement between 2 world wars. 2007 rugby world cup will be played at "Stade de France" built for 1998 soccer world cup.

Saint Emilion

French words: Saint-Emilion
alternative words: Saint-Emillion
keywords: human heritage , town , wine
related topics: Bordeaux
related web sites:
explanation: Tiny village situated 20km east of Bordeaux and founded by Saint Emilian in 8th century, Saint-Emilion is on the heart of vineyard region of Bordeaux wines and its vintage is considered one of the best along with Médoc, Graves and Pomerol. Several century old vineyard landscape, strewn with monuments on the route of Santiago de Compostela, has been protected as Unesco's human heritage since 1999.

Saint Etienne

French words: Saint Etienne
keywords: sport , town
related topics: Lyon
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the central French highland (Massif Central), Saint Etienne region had remained poor until 15th century when the settlement of an army factory allowed its fast industrial expansion. In 1827, the inauguration of the first railroad in Saint Etienne, which would soon reach Lyon. Though the town suffers economic crisis due to its old industrial activities such as bankruptcy of Manufrance, its football club has won 10 times French championship. It is also one of the venues of 2007 rugby world cup.

Saint Malo

French words: Saint Malo
alternative words: Saint-Malo harbor
keywords: sea , tourist resort , town
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located at the estuary of Rance river on the northern coast of Brittany, Saint-Malo had been an inhabited island until the installation of a hermit, Aron then Malo in 6th century, but it began to develop when the residents of Saint-Servan, formerly Alet, migrated there in 10th century in order to flee Viking invasion. Jacques Cartier, discoverer of Canada, was born at Saint Malo in 1491. In 1944, Saint-Malo was destroyed completely by American bombing but restored after the war. Its population is 51000.

Saint Tropez

French words: Saint Tropez
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nice
related web sites: ,
explanation: Situated in southeastern France between Toulon and Nice on the Mediterranean coast, Saint Tropez had been unknown for most of the tourists because of its location, somewhat distant from the main road. It has begun to attract international stars from 1920's but Saint Tropez has got a real renown when many celebrities such as Picasso and Brigit Bardot built their cottage in 1950's. During the summer season, the harbor is full of luxurious yachts while the best beach is stretching on the "Baie de Pampelonne".


French words: Saumur
keywords: human heritage , loire region , tourist resort , town , wine
related topics: Angers
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Abbey of Saint Florent old near Angers being devastated by Vikings in 9th century, the count of Blois founded a new abbey of Saint Florent and the town of Saumur nearby in 956. Saumur was taken by count of Angers, Foulque III in 1026. It was taken in turn by French king, Philippe Auguste in 1203. During 16-17th century, Saumur reached the apogee as a home of French Protestantism, Huguenots. Located between Angers and Tours on the bank of Loire river, Saumur is renowned for its wine. The population is 30000.
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