Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: general

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keywords: general , manga
explanation: When you speak to an unknown person, you should call him politely "otaku" in Japanese. Virtually equivalent to Sir in English. But recently, it has acquired a second sense, i.e. "maniac fans of mangas or of videos", because of a lack of contact with the outer world, they use frequently "otaku" when speaking to others. In order to deserve this term, you should possess at least 1000 examples of those items and perhaps 2000 in Japan.

Paperback collection

keywords: general , publishing
related topics: Comic
explanation: When all the comics (Tankoubon in Japanese) is published in a serial form, it becomes "paperback collection" (Bunkobon in Japanese). The most famous one in manga should be "Kodansha Comics" which contains all the volumes of Sailormoon.


keywords: general
related topics: Hentai
explanation: Indirect manner to say "pornographic" in Japanese. It derives from the initial letter of "Hentai".


keywords: general , machine
explanation: Recent appeared technique which consists to generate 3D images by polygon images thanks to a specialized electronic circuit. More the number of polygons generated per second is important, more the machine high-performance because the images appear more natural. By way of comparison, Nintendo 64 generates 1 million of polygons per second while Play Station only 200 thousands.


RPG ロールプレイング
alternative words: Role playing game
keywords: game , general
explanation: Contrary to American and European markets, RPG is more popular than action games in Japan. For that reason the titles like "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy" have met a great success in the early period of video games.

Sailor blouse

alternative words: School uniform
keywords: general , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon
related web sites:
explanation: This costume is an official uniform of all the high school girls in Japan. The story of Sailormoon is a parody of this uniform.


alternative words: Senior, Elder
keywords: general
related topics: Kohai
explanation: Person who is at the superior class of the same school or has already finished the study.


keywords: general
related topics: Bishojo Senshi
explanation: Soldier or warrior. "Bishojo Senshi" means "pretty soldiers"


keywords: general , machine
explanation: Technique which consists to generate image of a small icon thanks to a special electronic circuit without passing through the cpu. At the early period of console devices, the technique had a limited capacity. For example, "family Computer" of Nintendo displayed only 5 sprites and bothered considerably the game players.

Tactical book

keywords: game , general
explanation: RPG being extremely popular in Japan, the books which explain game tactics are well sold too.
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