Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: art

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Okakura Tenshin

岡倉天心 岡倉覚三
alternative words: Okakura Kakuzo, Tenshin Okakura, Kakuzo Okakura
keywords: art , famous person , scholar
related topics: Yokoyama Taikan , Hashimoto Gaho
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explanation: Born in 1862 in Yokohama. When he was a student at Tokyo university, he met Ernest Fenollosa and decided to restore the value of Japanese art. First he entered the education ministry and organized a protection of old Japanese art. He founded in 1890 the first Japanese art academy, Tokyo bijutsu gakko. After the eviction, he founded Nihon Bijutsuin to synthesize Japanese and western arts with Hashimoto Gaho and Yokoyama Taikan then led Asian section of Boston Museum in 1904. He died in 1913.


折紙 折り紙
alternative words: Folded paper, Art of folding paper
keywords: art , game
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explanation: Art or technique to fold papers to construct different objects or animals. Contrary to what people might imagine, origami as an entertainment art had not developed in the ancient times though there existed folded papers used in festivals or religious ceremonies, because the paper was a valuable object. Origami has really begun to develop since Meiji era when it was introduced to schools and kindergartens as an educational materials.

Satsuma ware

alternative words: Satsumayaki, Satsuma-yaki, Satsuma yaki, Satsuma ceramic, Satsuma
keywords: art , craft , korea , thing
related topics: Invasion of Korea , Satsuma domain
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explanation: Ceramic originated by Korean potters brought by Shimazu Yoshihiro during Korean campaign of 16th century. Though the original technique has been lost in Korea, their descendants are still perpetuating the technique in southern Kyushu at Inashirogawa and Ryumonji. The most famous ceramic is Kokuyu (Kuro Satsuma i.e. black Satsuma) and Hakuyu (Shiro Satsuma i.e. white Satsuma).


alternative words: Shun-ga, Shun ga, Erotic ukiyoe, Ukiyoe shunga
keywords: art , ukiyoe
related topics: Edo period , Ukiyoe , Hishikawa Moronobu , Katsushika Hokusai
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explanation: During Edo period, inhabitants of great towns like Tokyo and Osaka could enjoy divers entertainment, thanks to a warless state of more than 2 centuries, and also due to an imperfection of laws. For example, famous ukiyoe artists like Hishikawa Moronobu, Kitagawa Utamaro or Katsushika Hokusai, were competing for the publication of shunga, i.e. wooden prints which detail sex scenes. Accompanied with abundant comments, they serve as an enlightenment of the public, too.

Tea ceremony

茶道 茶道 茶の湯
alternative words: Chado, Chadou, Cha do, Sado, Sadou, Sa do, Sadoo, Chanoyu, Cha no yu
keywords: art
related topics: Sen no Rikyu , Zen , Urasenke , Omotesenke
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explanation: Drinking tea had been popular among Buddhist monks but it is the Buddhist priest, Eisai (1141-1215) pf Zen school who brought from China the correct manner to drink it in the 12th century. This manner spread gradually among the public and especially among samurai clans, but it is Sen no Rikyu (1522-91) of Sengoku period who perfected it to create an art by inventing sober tea houses and tools. The manner practiced nowadays in Japan comes directly from his school.


alternative words: Japanese alcove, alcove
keywords: architecture , art
related topics: Muromachi period , Kakemono , Ikebana , Kagami mochi
explanation: During Muromachi period, in upper class houses, there existed place to hang a Buddhist picture scroll and to set a low table for incense or a flower base. This place had evolved to an alcove with a little elevated soil to replace the table. This place has lost the initial religious character but still remains, in traditional Japanese houses, as an ideal place to admire a changing season by hanging a picture scroll (Kekemono) and putting a flower base (Ikebana) before it.


alternative words: Sword guard, Japanese sword guard
keywords: art , craft
related topics: Japanese sword , Heian period , Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Azuchi Momoyama period , Edo period
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explanation: Initially made with iron or copper of about 8 cm diameter, it was transformed to superposed leather in the late Heian period due to its suppleness. Because the leather deteriorates in the end, tsuba became again metallic in Muromachi period. Inlaying other materials (Zogan) or with an openwork (Sukashibori), tsuba became a complex art work and gave famous artists such as Umetada Myoju of Azuchi Momoyama period, and Hayashi Shigeharu, Hirata Hikozo and Shimizu Jingoro of Edo period.


alternative words: Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo e, Japanese woodprint, Woodprint
keywords: art , ukiyoe
related topics: Edo period , Hishikawa Moronobu , Suzuki Harunobu , Ando Hiroshige , Katsushika Hokusai , Kitagawa Utamaro , Shunga , Nishikie
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explanation: Woodprint art appeared in Edo period. Thanks to a long warless state and prosperous merchant activity, this form of art had been extremely popular in Japan. The preferred subjects were at the beginning the face of actors and beautiful girls, but shifted later to the famous landscapes and travel scenery. Katsushika Hokusai and Ando Hiroshige were among the most famous artists. Ukiyoe means "pictures of the floating world" in Japanese.


和歌 短歌
alternative words: Tanka, Yamatouta, Japanese poesy, Japanese poem
keywords: art , poesy
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Kokinwakashu , Ki no Tsurayuki , Shin kokinshu , Hyakunin isshu
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explanation: Initially it had designated all the Japanese poems of different lengths, as opposed to Chinese poems (Karauta). Since Heian period the most shortest form, Tanka with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, has become predominant so Waka means usually Tanka, i.e. short poem. The anthology of poems written during Nara period, Manyoshyu, contains the most representative verses of this classic art. Anthology of Kokinwakashu compiled by Ki no Tsurayuki and others in Heian period is well known, too.
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