Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: tokyo

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alternative words: Marunouchi district
keywords: district , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Imperial palace
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explanation: Located between Tokyo station and Imperial palace, many large Japanese companies and banks have chosen Marunouchi as its headquarters. During Edo period, it owned many administrative offices and mansions of seigniors but deserted shortly after the fall of Edo shogunate in 1868. It began to develop again when Mitsubishi bought the lands from Meiji government in 1890 then the opening of Tokyo railroad station is 1914. Marunouchi belongs to Chiyoda ward.

Meiji Shrine

alternative words: Meijijingu Shrine, Meijijingu, Meiji jingu, Meji Shrine, Mejijingu, Meji jingu, Meji jingu shrine
keywords: shrine , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Shinjuku , Shibuya , Harajuku
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explanation: Shrine located between Shinjuku and Shibuya in Tokyo and worshipping Meiji Emperor, great grandfather of the actual Emperor, and his wife Shoken-kogo. It was built in 1920 with an aid of volunteers and planted there 365 varieties of trees coming from the whole Japan and her colonies. The first presentation of each sumo champion (yokozuna) takes place there. Fashionable Harajuku district is in the other side of Yamanote line.

Mitaka city

alternative words: Mitakashi city, Mitakashi, Mitaka shi, Mitaka
keywords: tokyo , town
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Shinjuku
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explanation: Located in the western suburb of Tokyo, the area had developed first as a rich farm land during Edo period thanks to Inogashira spring. Since Showa era, the aria has been quickly urbanized and many factories especially machinery and automobile were settled. There exist also many houses and dormitories for the workers thanks to its easy access to Tokyo (20 minutes in train from Shinjiku station via Chuo line). Mitaka means "3 falcons" because there existed 3 falconry lands. The population is 160,000.

Miyake island

alternative words: Miyakejima island, Miyakejima, Miyake-jima, Miyake jima
keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort , volcano
related topics: Izu Islands , Izuoshima Island , Tokyo prefecture
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explanation: The third biggest island of Izu islands after Oshima and Hachijojima. Its surface is 55km2 and the population about 4000. The central peak, Mt. Oyama (814m), is an active volcano. Since an explosion at the beginning of this summer (2000), all the inhabitants have been evacuated from Miyakejima. With Mt. Fuji and Hakone which are also volcanoes, it belongs to "Fuji Hakone Izu National Park". You can reach there by airplane or ship from Tokyo.

Mt Takao

alternative words: Mount Takao, Mt Takaosan, Takaosan, Takao san
keywords: mountain , tokyo , tourist resort
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Hachioji city , Shinjuku , Keio electric railway
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explanation: Low mountain of 600m high, located in the west of Tokyo, Takaosan has become one of the most popular resorts of Tokyo's citizens thanks to a good preservation of its forest and a vicinity to Tokyo's center. It owns at its summit, an old Buddhist temple of Shingon sect, Yokuoin, founded 1200 years ago. One and a half hour of a train trip from Shinjuku station through Keio line then a cable car brings you to the summit from the hill foot. The area belongs to Meijinomori Takao national selection park.


alternative words: Nagata-cho, Nagatachou, Nagata-chou
keywords: district , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Imperial Palace , Kasumigaseki
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explanation: District of Tokyo City located on the south-west of the Imperial Palace, contiguous to Kasumigaseki just over a street. You can find there the most important offices of Japan: the National Diet and the prime minister's office. In a news paper's jargon, Nagatacho means "Japanese central government", too. Administratively speaking, the district belongs to Chiyoda Ward.


alternative words: Nihonbashi district, Nihon-bashi, Nihon bashi, Nihombashi
keywords: bridge , district , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Sumida river
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explanation: District situated in northern part of Chuo ward in Tokyo between Imperial palace and Sumida river. It is a symbolic point of Tokyo, because every main roads such as Tokaido depart from Nihonbashi bridge located there. During Edo period, the district flourished as a commercial center and a fish market. Today it continues to be prosperous as a high class shopping area with Mitsukoshi department store. Bank of Japan and Tokyo stock exchange are settled there, too.

Niijima island

alternative words: Nii island, Nii jima island, Niijima, Nii jima
keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Izu islands
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explanation: One of Izu islands located on the south of Tokyo. Niijima is a volcanic island of stretched form. Though there is a historic record of exposition, the volcano is actually inactive. Due to its white sand beach, Niijima has become recently a popular beach for surfers. Besides tourism, the main industry is pig raising and "kusaya" (dried saurel). Shikinejima island located on the west was separated from Niijima after the great earthquake of 1703. The surface is 24km and the population 2700.

Odakyu electric railway

alternative words: Odakyu railway, Odakyudentetsu, Odakyu-dentetsu, Odakyu dentetsu
keywords: company , kanagawa , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Hakone , Shinjuku , Odawara city
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explanation: Railroad company founded in 1923 and covering the region between Tokyo and the western part of Kanagawa prefecture, especially Odawara city and Mt Hakone. Its express trains bring you from Shinjuku station in Tokyo to the foot of Mt Hakone in one hour and half. The company is operating also in estate, leisure land and hotel business especially in Hakone region. It owns a big department store near Shinjuku station too.

Ogasawara Islands

小笠原諸島 小笠原列島
alternative words: Bonin Island, Ogasawara Island, Bonin Islands, Ogasawarashoto, Ogasawara shoto, Ogasawararetto, Ogasawara retto
keywords: island , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Iwo Island
related web sites: ,
explanation: A group of tiny islands located 1200 km south from Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean. According to a legend, Ogasawara Sadayori should have discovered in 1593 this island. From the 19th century, Americans, seeking whales in the Pacific, began to settle there. After dealings between Japan, USA and Great Britain on the control of the island, it was Japan who took its control. After WWII, it had been occupied by Americans but returned back to Japan in 1968 with Iwo island.
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