Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: tohoku

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Mt. Zao

alternative words: Zao, Zaou, Zaoo
keywords: mountain , ski resort , tohoku , tourist resort , volcano
related topics: Yamagata prefecture , Miyagi prefecture
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explanation: Located at the frontier between Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures, Mt. Zao is an active volcano with the highest peak "Kumanodake" 1841m high. Now, everybody can admire a beautiful crater lake "Okama" created during 1720s eruption, by using a mountain road "Zao Echo Line" opened in 1962. During winter season, the surrounding area transforms to a splendid skip resort thanks to abundant snow fall and its relatively high latitude.

Oze plain

尾瀬 尾瀬ヶ原
alternative words: Oze plains, Oze, Plain of Oze, Ozegahara, Oze ga hara
keywords: mountain , tohoku , tourist resort
related topics: Fukushima prefecture , Gunma prefecture , Niigata prefecture , Numata city
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explanation: Spanning over Fukushima, Gunma and Niigata prefectures, the region which includes plain of Oze, Oze pond and its environs such as Mt. Shibutsu and Mt. Hiuchi is called Oze. Because of a variety of topographies and rare plants and animals, all the region is declared as a special natural reserve.

Seikan Tunnel

alternative words: Sekan tunnel, Seikan railroad tunnel, Sekan tonneru, Seikan tonneru, Seikan, Sekan
keywords: hokkaido , tohoku , tunnel
related topics: Setoohashi Bridge , Tsugaru strait , Shinkansen
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explanation: The world longest tunnel, linking Honshu and Hokkaido via Tsugaru strait by a railroad. The total length is 53.8 km while the maritime part is 23.3 km long. Its construction began in November 1971 and finished in March 1988. In April of the same year, Setoohashi Bridge has been opened so all the 4 major Japanese islands have been directly connected by railways. Though the tunnel has been built to let pass high speed trains, Shinkansen, this possibility has not yet been exploited.

Sendai City

alternative words: Sendaishi city, Sendaishi, Sendai-shi, Sendai shi, Sendai
keywords: tohoku , town
related topics: Miyagi Prefecture
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explanation: Town where the office of Miyagi Prefecture is situated. The population is 0.8 million. It has developed as a castle town of Date family. Being the most populous town in Tohoku region, there exist many branch offices of big companies and administration. "Festival of the Weaver Star" which occurs in August 7 of each year is well known.

Tsugaru strait

alternative words: Tsugarukaikyo, Tsugaru kaikyo, Tsugarukaikyou, Tsugaru kaikyou, Tsugaru
keywords: hokkaido , strait , tohoku
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Hakodate city , Aomori city , Honshu island , Seikan tunnel , Tsugaru peninsula , Shimokita peninsula
explanation: Strait separating Hokkaido from Honshu and connecting Japan sea with Pacific ocean. The length from west to east is about 100km while from north to south between 20 and 50km. The deepest point is about 450m. Until 1988 there exited a railroad link by ferry between Aomori and Hakodate cities. Now you can traverse the strait through Seikan railroad tunnel. In order to let pass freely foreign ships, 3 nautical mile delimitation instead of 12 miles is used on this strait.

Yamagata Prefecture

alternative words: Yamagataken prefecture, Yamagata, Yamagataken, Yamagata-ken, Yamagata ken
keywords: prefecture , tohoku
related topics: Mt Gatsu , Mt Chokai
related web sites:
explanation: Yamagata prefecture occupies the south-western part of Tohoku region, facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 9,326 km2 and the population 1.2 million. The prefectural office is at Yamagata City. As its name indicates, the region is very mountainous and its human activity is concentrated along the valley of Mogami River and on the sea shore plain which both own good rice fields. Being surround by high mountains like Mts. Chokai, Gatsu and Zaoh, there exist many ski resorts.
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