Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: town

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French words: Grenoble
keywords: alps , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located at the confluence of 2 rivers, Drac and Isere, Romans had already built a fortress in Grenoble due to its strategic importance. During the middle ages, Grenoble was an independent state, then sold to France in 1349 to become a fief of the French crown prince. Grenoble is now the capital of Isere prefecture. Owning an university and many scientific laboratories such as ESRF, it is also one of the largest research centers in France. Grenoble organizes Winter Olympics in 1968. The population is 153000.


French words: Honfleur
alternative words: Honfleur harbor
keywords: normandy , sea , tourist resort , town
related topics: Le Havre
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located at Seine's estuary, Honfleur had used during 11th century as a transition harbor for Richard III between his fiefs Normandy and England but its prosperity arrived after 100 year war. In fact, from 16th century, many French adventurers such as Jacques Cartier left Honfleur to exploit America and Canada. Though, its importance has declined after the opening of Le Havre, Honfleur remains an attractive tourist spot thanks to its picturesque houses, immortalized by impressionism artists like Boudin.

La Rochelle

French words: La Rochelle
keywords: sea , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nantes , Bordeaux
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on the Atlantic cost facing Re island, La Rochelle was founded in 10th century and developed quickly as major harbour between Nantes and Bordeaux. During 16-17th century, La Rochelle had become a strong hold of French protestant movement, Huguenots but they lost it after a long siege (1627-1628) let by Louis XIII's chief minister, Cardinal Mazarin. La Rochelle is the capital of Charente-Maritime prefecture and the population 77,000. A bridge connecting Re island with La Rochelle was opened in 1988.

Le Havre

French words: Le Havre
keywords: human heritage , normandy , sea , town
related topics: Honfleur
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 150km northwest of Paris at Seine's estuary in Normandy, Le Havre was founded in 1517 by French king Francois 1st as a replacement of silted Honfleur. Le Havre had developed enormously during the colonization period as an external harbor of Paris, but suffered a heavy bombing at the end of WWII. Le Havre was restored in 1950's following the urbanization plan of Auguste Perret, which later becomes a Unesco's human heritage. Being the 2nd largest harbor of France, its population is 182000.

Le Mans

French words: Le Mans
alternative words: Lemans
keywords: loire region , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Well known for its car race "24 heures du Mans", Le Mans is in reality one of the oldest towns in France. In fact, called Vindinum, it had been a regional capital of the Roman Empire. During 12th century, Le Mans was disputed between dukes of Normandy and counts of Anjou, then English and French troops during 100 years war. Built between 11th and 15th century, Saint Julian cathedral is one of the largest in France. Owning an university, Le Mans is the capital of Sarthe prefecture. The population is 141000.


French words: Lens
keywords: sport , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in northern France, Lens had been disputed against Spain, which controlled Belgium until 17th century, when Treaty of the Pyrenees confirmed its French possession in 1659. Its industrial expansion began in 1842 when a coal mine was discovered in 1842. The town suffered severe causalities as a battle ground in 2 world wars. Though Lens is fighting an economic slump of coal industry, its football club "Racing club de Lens" is one of the strongest in France. It is also a venue of 2007 rugby world cup.


French words: Lille
keywords: town
related topics: TGV
related web sites: ,
explanation: Metropolis of northern France, Lille is a young town contrary to others like Boulogne and Arras which should have a Roman background. Built on a river islet (Lille means "the island"), Lille had seen the owner several times changed (Flanders, Burgundy, Austria, Spain) until 1668 when Louis XIV conquered it. In 19th century, it was a center of French industry thanks to coal mines nearby. Lille is the capital of Nord-Pas de Calais region with the population 215,000 and reachable from Paris in 1 hour by TGV.


French words: Lourdes
alternative words: Fountain of Lourdes, Source of Lourdes, Cave of Lourdes
keywords: church , tourist resort , town
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Located in the south-west of France near Pyrenean mountains, the town of Lourdes is renowned for its miracle fountain where a shepherdess girl, Bernadette Soubirous would meet Virgin Mary in 1858. She was canonized later in 1933 for this miracle. Between March and October, the town is crowded with pilgrims who are seeking healing waters from this source. Lourdes is also well known for a siege of Muslim army retreating from Pointiers by Charlemagne in 732. The population of Lourdes is about 16000.


French words: Lyon
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located at the confluence of Rhone and Saone, Lyon is the 3rd largest town of France. Called Lugdunum, Lyon had been the capital of Gaulle province, presently France of the Roman empire. During the medieval period, Lyon was a prosperous merchant town thanks to fairs and silk industry. During WWII, Lyon was a center of the French resistance. Owning many industries and universities, Lyon is the capital of Rhone-Alpes region and the population is 468000. Old Lyon was enlisted in Unesco world heritage in 1998.


French words: Marseille
keywords: sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in southern France on the Mediterranean coast, Marseille is the 2nd largest town of France and the largest Mediterranean harbor. It was founded by Phocaean Greeks in 600 B.C and called Massalia. Marseille was attached to France by the annexation of Provence dukedom in 1481. Its growth as industrialized city began with a colonization of North Africa during the modern period. It owns a football club Olympics of Marseille. It is also the capital of Bouches-du-Rhone prefecture and the population 772000.
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