Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: general

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alternative words: Dojin
keywords: general , manga
related topics: Doujinshi
explanation: Doujin means in Japanese "club members". They are the people who gather together to promote a certain activity, especially manga. Don't confuse with "otaku" because these are acting usually alone. The magazine published by "doujin" is called "doujinshi".


alternative words: Dojinshi, Doujin shi, Dojin shi
keywords: general , manga , publishing
related topics: Doujin
explanation: "Shi" means "magazine" in Japanese. So, "doujinshi" is a weak circulation magazine made specially for "doujin", though it may be sold to the public. There exist doujinshis for any activities but the manga doujinshis are by far the most widespred and active ones because of their commercial interest. Many famous mangaka like Clamp have begun they careers by publishing in a doujinshi before passing to a mass circulation magazine. It is a true fish-pond for young talents in Japan.

Game Center

ゲームセンター ゲーセン
keywords: game , general
explanation: In Japan, some game makers possess an own chain of game centers like Sega or Taito. Many new video games have been tested there before released on the market.

Game machine

alternative words: Game device
keywords: game , general
related topics: Console
explanation: There exist 2 categories of game machines: consoles (consumer game machine) for home usage and arcade machines for game centers.


alternative words: Pervers, Maniac
keywords: general
related topics: Pink , High school Kimengumi
explanation: The initial meaning of this word was "abnormal" like in manga "High school Kimengumi", but now it is used more and more in the sense of "sexually obsessed".

Image resolution

alternative words: Resolution
keywords: general , machine
explanation: It is explained by number of pixels available in vertical and horizontal directions on the screen of a machine.


alternative words: Younger, Kouhai
keywords: general
related topics: Senpai
explanation: Those who are in lower classes of the same school or those who are still studying in the school, compared with those who have already finished the studies.


keywords: general
related topics: Mangaka
explanation: Manga has become now an international term. "Man" means "comfortable" or "funny" while "ga" means "picture". Manag should probably have originated from "ukiyoe" of Edo period; Though the treated subjects were quite different, a boom of ukiyoe had allowed Japanese public to get pictures they love with a reasonable price.


alternative words: Manga artist, Artist of mangas
keywords: general , manga
related topics: Manga
explanation: Mangaka means "author of mangas" in Japanese. Ka is a suffix which means "artist" and its original meaning is "house" or "family" because in the old days, the activity of artists has perpetuated itself from generation to generation. You can also say "gaka" for "painter" and "ongakuka" for "musician".

Mother board

keywords: general , machine
related topics: Arcade machine
explanation: In Japan, certain fanatics of video games dare to get the mother board of arcade machines, if the console version is not yet available or its adaptation is imperfect.
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