Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: world heritage

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Toshogu Shrine

日光東照宮 東照宮
alternative words: Nikkotoshogu Shrine, Nikko-toshogu Shrine, Nikko toshogu Shrine, Toshogu, Nikko-toshogu, Nikko toshogu, Toushouguu
keywords: shrine , world heritage
related topics: Nikko , Tochigi Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shrine built at Nikko city in 1617. It enshrines Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of Edo shogunate. During Edo period, each seignior had been asked to contribute to brighten up the shrine, so many building had been added. Yome gate (Yomemon) is a masterpiece of the early Edo period. Recently it has been chosen as a world human heritage by UNESCO.

Yaku Island

alternative words: Yakushima Island, Yakushima, Yaku-shima, Yaku
keywords: island , kyushu , tourist resort , world heritage
related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Tane Island
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Yakushima is an island located on the south of Osumi Peninsula of Kagoshima prefecture and its area covers about 500 km2. Mt. Miyanoura located at its center is the highest peak of Kyushu region. Being one of the rainiest zone in Japan, the mountainside is covered with a primeval forest of Yaku cedars of several thousands year old. Included in Kirishima Yaku National Park, it has developed recently as a popular tourist resort. There is a regular flight line from Kagoshima.

Yakushiji Temple

alternative words: Yakushi-ji Temple, Yakushi Temple, Yakushiji, Yakushi-ji, Yakushi ji
keywords: nara , temple , world heritage
related topics: Nara Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: In the 9th year of Emperor Tenmu's reign (680), in order to pray for the recovery of his wife (later Empress Jito) from an illness, he began to construct Yakushiji Temple. After his death, she continued the work of her husband and completed it in the 11th year of her reign (697). At first, the temple was located in Fujiwara-kyo, the capital at that period, then moved to the actual place with other temples after Nara became the capital in the 3rd year of Wado era (710).
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