Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: shrine

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Kashima Shrine

鹿島神宮 鹿島
alternative words: Kashimajingu Shrine, Kashimajingu, Kashima jingu, Kashimajinguu shrine, Kashimajinguu, Kashima jinguu, Kashima
keywords: shrine
related topics: Ibaraki prefecture , Kashima city
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explanation: Shrine located in Ibaraki Prefecture at Kashima city. It worships God of sunders, Takemikazuchi who is also the protector of Tohoku region. For that raison, the main building is directed to the north. It owns also many "child shrines" in Japan. It is one of the oldest shrines in Japan because according to the annals of shrine, it was founded 660 B.C.

Kotohira Shrine

alternative words: Kotohiragu Shrine, Kotohira-gu Shrine, Konpira Shrine, Konpira-sama, Konpira sama
keywords: shikoku , shrine
related topics: Kagawa Prefecture
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explanation: Well known with is popular name "Konpira-sama", Kotohira Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. Some books say it should be 3000 years old. In the old times, it had been venerated by all the sea men who were navigating in the Inland Sea, i.e. Setonaikai. It is considered now efficient against a car accident, too.

Kumano Hongu Shrine

alternative words: Kumanohongu shrine, Kumano shrine, Kumano hongu taisha Shrine, Kumano hongu taisha, Kumano
keywords: shrine , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture , Shimane Prefecture
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explanation: One of the oldest shrines in Japan located in Wakayama Prefecture. It worships Japanese Sea God and the founder of Izumo dynasty in Shimane, Susanonomikoto. It is one of the historical mysteries because Shimane, which is far from Wakayama, possesses also an own Kumano Shrine. With Kumano hayatama shrine and Kumano nachi shrine, it forms one of the 3 centers of Kumano faith which had been very popular during the Middle Ages.

Meiji Shrine

alternative words: Meijijingu Shrine, Meijijingu, Meiji jingu, Meji Shrine, Mejijingu, Meji jingu, Meji jingu shrine
keywords: shrine , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Shinjuku , Shibuya , Harajuku
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explanation: Shrine located between Shinjuku and Shibuya in Tokyo and worshipping Meiji Emperor, great grandfather of the actual Emperor, and his wife Shoken-kogo. It was built in 1920 with an aid of volunteers and planted there 365 varieties of trees coming from the whole Japan and her colonies. The first presentation of each sumo champion (yokozuna) takes place there. Fashionable Harajuku district is in the other side of Yamanote line.

Miyazaki shrine

alternative words: Miyazakijingu shrine, Miyazaki-jingu shrine, Miyazakijingu, Miyazaki-jingu, Miyazaki jingu
keywords: kyushu , shrine
related topics: Miyazaki City
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explanation: Miyazaki-jingu is the shrine built on the place where Japanese first emperor, Jimmu-tenno, might be living before leaving for Kinki region. For this reason, it has been chosen as the most important shrine in Miyazaki prefecture. A parade of Jimmu (Jimmu matsuri or Jimmu festival) takes place on October 26 of each year.

Oomiwa Shrine

alternative words: Omiwa Shrine, Oomiwajinja, Omiwajinja, Oomiwa-jinja, Omiwa-jinja, Oomiwa
keywords: nara , shrine
related topics: Nara prefecture , Sakurai city
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explanation: Located in Nara Prefecture, between Mt Miwa and Hasihaka Tumulus, it is one of the oldest shrines or may be the oldest in Japan and dedicated to God Oomononushi, of whom role remains mysterious. Contrary to other shrines, it has no main building because the body of Mt. Miwa is itself considered a sanctuary.

Suwataisha Shrine

諏訪大社 諏訪神社
alternative words: Suwa taisha shrine, Suwataisha, Suwa Taisha, Suwa
keywords: nagano , shrine
related topics: Nagano Prefecture , Lake Suwa
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explanation: One of the oldest shrines and located in Nagano Prefecture. Surrounded by high mountains at the lakeside, its site is wonderful. It is worshipping 2 gods, Prince Takeminakata and Princess Yasakatome. During an icy day of the winter, when the lake ice is cut to 2 parts, the people believe the 2 gods to have encountered (Omiwatari). Festival which consists to bring wooden pillars from mountains to rebuild buildings takes place each 7 years (Mihashirasai).

Toshogu Shrine

日光東照宮 東照宮
alternative words: Nikkotoshogu Shrine, Nikko-toshogu Shrine, Nikko toshogu Shrine, Toshogu, Nikko-toshogu, Nikko toshogu, Toushouguu
keywords: shrine , world heritage
related topics: Nikko , Tochigi Prefecture
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explanation: Shrine built at Nikko city in 1617. It enshrines Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of Edo shogunate. During Edo period, each seignior had been asked to contribute to brighten up the shrine, so many building had been added. Yome gate (Yomemon) is a masterpiece of the early Edo period. Recently it has been chosen as a world human heritage by UNESCO.

Usa Shrine

alternative words: Usajingu Shrine, Usa-jingu, Usa Jingu
keywords: kyushu , shrine
related topics: Oita Prefecture , Hachimangu Shrine
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explanation: It is one of the oldest shrines because the ancient book of Japanese history, Nihonshoki already mentions it: the first Emperor, Jinmu stayed there to rest for 1 year before invading Kinki region. The shrine worships Japanese 15th Emperor, Ojin and is very influential because it owns many child shrines all over Japan, Hachimangu Shrine at Kamakura City being the most famous one.

Yasaka Shrine

alternative words: Yasakajinja Shrine, Yasakajinja, Yasaka-jinja, Yasaka jinja
keywords: kyoto , shrine
related topics: Kyoto City , Gion
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explanation: Situated in the east of Kyoto City, the initial shrine was built in 667 to worship Japanese Sea God, Susanou no Mikoto and his wife Kushiinada-hime. The actual building, dated from 1654, keeps well the style of Heian Period. Its festival, Gion Matsuri is notorious.
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