Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: prefecture

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Hiroshima Prefecture

alternative words: Hiroshimaken prefecture, Hiroshimaken, Hiroshima-ken, Hiroshima ken, Hiroshima
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Hiroshima city , Itsukushima shrine , Inland sea
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explanation: Hiroshima prefecture occupies the southern part of Chugoku region, facing Inland Sea. Its surface is 8,466km2 and the population 2.8 millions. The prefectural office is at Hiroshima City. On the northern region, the farmers are producing rice and milk, while the southern region, fruits like peach and grape. Kure City being a big military harbor until WWII, many industries like shipyards and machinery have been developed. There exist many tourist spots like Miyajima Shrine.

Hokkaido Prefecture

alternative words: Hokkaido, Hokkai do, Hokkaidou
keywords: hokkaido , island , prefecture , region , tourist resort
related topics: Sapporo city , Hakodate city , Mt. Daisetsu , Lake Mashu , Rishiri island , Mt. Usu , Lake Toya , Shiretoko peninsula , Kuril island
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explanation: Hokkaido is a prefecture, a region and an island at the same time. Its surface is 83,519 km2 and the population 5.6 millions. The prefectural office is at Sapporo City. There were few Japanese until the end of 19th century because of a chilly climate. Its main industry is: fishing, coal mining and western style agriculture, thanks to its large surface , like dairy farming and soybean culture. The tourism is also popular because of a beautiful landscape created by many active volcanoes.

Hyogo Prefecture

alternative words: Hyogo, Hyogoken, Hyogo ken, Hyougo Prefecture, Hyougo, Hyougoken, Hyougo ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kobe city , Himeji castle , Awaji island , Naruto bridge , Akashi bridge , Takarazuka city
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explanation: Hyogo prefecture occupies the north-western part of Kinki region, facing Japanese Sea on the north and Inland Sea on the south. Its surface is 8,377 km2 and the population 5.2 millions. The prefectural office is at Kobe City. The northern region is mountainous and heavily snowed in winter, while the southern plain has a mild climate with fruits and vegetables in the west. Around Kobe City and the eastern border near Osaka, there exist many industries like machinery, chemistry and steel.

Ibaraki Prefecture

茨城県 茨城
alternative words: Ibarakiken prefecture, Ibarakiken, Ibaraki-ken, Ibaraki ken, Ibaraki, Ibaragi
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kashima Shrine , Tokai Village , Tone river , Mito city , Tsukuba city
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explanation: Ibaraki prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Kanto region on the Pacific coast. Its surface is 6,094 km2 and the population 2.7 millions. The prefectural office is at Mito City. Though its 2 major mineral resources, copper and coal have been exhausted, 2 important activities have appeared, i.e. an education and research center around Tsukuba City and a newly created industry zone of Kashima on the Pacific coast. The culture of vegetables and tobacco is prosperous too.

Ishikawa Prefecture

石川県 石川
alternative words: Ishikawaken prefecture, Ishikawa, Ishikawaken, Ishikawa-ken, Ishikawa ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kanazawa city , Noto peninsula
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explanation: Ishikawa prefecture occupies the northern part of Chubu region facing Japanese Sea, between Toyama and Fukui prefectures. Its surface is 4,197 km2 and the population 1.1 million. The prefectural office is at Kanazawa City. Ishikawa's traditional crafts have a good reputation, like silk cloths, pottery and lacquer. Fishing is active in the northern region which forms a peninsula, while in the southern region, the farmers are cultivating fruits, tobacco and rice fields.

Iwate Prefecture

岩手県 岩手
alternative words: Iwateken prefecture, Iwate, Iwateken, Iwate-ken, Iwate ken
keywords: prefecture , tohoku
related topics: Morioka city , Hachimantai , Chusonji temple
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explanation: Iwate prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Tohoku region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 15,278 km2 and the population 1.4 million. The prefectural office is at Morioka City. Due to a cold maritime current on the Pacific coast, the agriculture is little developed excepting for dairy farming, while fishing is very active thanks to a rias type coast which gives many excellent harbors. There exist some volcanoes in the western border such as Mts. Iwaki and Hachimantai.

Kagawa Prefecture

alternative words: Kagawaken prefecture, Kagawa, Kagawaken, Kagawa ken
keywords: prefecture , shikoku
related topics: Kotohira shrine , Setoohashi bridge , Shikoku island , Takamatsu city
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explanation: Kagawa prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Shikoku region, facing Inland Sea. Its surface is 1,882 km2 and the population 1 million. The prefectural office is at Takamatsu City. Having a small rainfall, many reservoirs have been created to cultivate rice. Now, the farmers are diversifying products like peach, orange, olive, poultry. The industries like chemistry, machinery and shipyards are active and further development is expected by a newly opened bridge junction with Honshu.

Kagoshima Prefecture

鹿児島県 鹿児島
alternative words: Kagoshimaken prefecture, Kagoshima, Kagoshimaken, Kagoshima ken
keywords: kyushu , prefecture
related topics: Yaku Island , Tane Island , Mt. Kirishima , Amami island , Kagoshima city , Ibusuki city , Kagoshima bay
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explanation: Kagoshima prefecture occupies the southern part of Kyushu region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 9,165 km2 and the population 1.8 million. The prefectural office is at Kagoshima City. Traditional agricultural products were potatoes, tobaccos and sugar canes. Now the farmers are shifting their products to fruits, vegetable and dairy farming. There exist some gold and iron mines. Volcano like Mts. Kirishima and Sakurajima attract many tourists. The forest of Yaku island is famous too.

Kanagawa Prefecture

alternative words: Kanagawaken prefecture, Kanagawa, Kanagawaken, Kanagawa ken
keywords: kanagawa , prefecture
related topics: Kamakura City , Yokohama City , Yokosuka City , Kawasaki city , Hakone , Odawara city , Miura peninsula , Aqualine , Yomiuri Land
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explanation: Kanagawa prefecture occupies the southern part of Kanto region just adjacent to Tokyo from the south. Its surface is 2,402 km2 and the population 7.4 millions. The prefectural office is at Yokohama City. The north-eastern part is well urbanized around Yokohama and Kawasaki, 2 big cities, with many factories on Tokyo Bay area. Though heavily populated, Kanagawa has may tourist resorts like Shonan beach and old Kamakura town on the south, and Hakone on the west.

Kochi Prefecture

alternative words: Kochiken prefecture, Kochi, Kochiken, Kochi ken, Kouchi prefecture, Kouchiken, Kouchi ken, Kouchi, Koochi
keywords: prefecture , shikoku
related topics: Kochi city
related web sites: ,
explanation: Kochi prefecture occupies the southern part of Shikoku region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 7,107 km2 and the population 0.8 million. The prefectural office is at Kochi City. Thanks to a mild climate, the people were cultivating rice twice each year but its practice has ceased and prefer to cultivate vegetables and fruits. Having many mountains, forestry and paper manufacture are prosperous. Fishing is a traditional activity. The coastal landscape on Pacific Ocean is magnificent.
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