Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: town

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French words: Cannes
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nice
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Nice, Cannes was called Canois by Romans, because of abundant reeds there. Though Cannes was disputed between France and Holy Roman Empire during the middle ages, it had remained a small fisher harbor until 1834 when a British politician, Brougham settled his cottage there. Since then, Cannes has developed to become an international tourist resort. Cannes film festival is held each May on the beach street, "Croisette". The population is 68000.


French words: Carcassonne
keywords: castle , human heritage , southern france , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in southern France, Romans had already built a fortress there due to its strategic importance. During the middle ages, Carcassonne had been a strong hold of Cathars to resist Albigensian Crusade until 1209. After the incorporation to France in 1247, an outer rampart was added to make the fortress impregnable because Carcassonne was a border town with Aragon kingdom. In 1997, medieval city was enlisted to Unesco's human heritage. Carcassonne is the capital of Aude prefecture and the population 44000.


French words: Chambéry
keywords: alps , tourist resort , town , wine
related topics: Grenoble , Lyon
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located between Geneva and Grenoble in the fore-Alps and the capital of Savoy prefecture, Chambery began to develop when it had become the capital of Savoy dukedom in 1295 but declined when its capital was moved to Turin in 1563. The sovereignty of the Savoy region was transferred to France by Turin treaty of 1860. Located on the crossing point of Geneva-Grenoble and Lyon-Turin routes, Chambery is also an important railroad hub. The surrounding area is cultivating Savoy wine. The population is 58500.


French words: Chamonix , Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
alternative words: Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
keywords: alps , tourist resort , town
related topics: Mont Blanc , Aiguille du Midi , Mont Blanc tunnel
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the Alps near Swiss boarder, Chamoinx has got its fame since the 18th century, thanks to a development of the tourism and alpinism In 1924, the town organized the first Winter Olympics. Owning many mechanical lifting equipments such as ropeway of Aiguille du Midi and train of Montenvers, Chamonix is an ideal base for the alpinism and skiing. Since the opening of Mont Blanc tunnel in 1965, more and more trucks enter Chamonix valley and it provokes an environmental problem. Its population is 9900.


French words: Clermont-Ferrand , Clermont
alternative words: Clermont
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town
related web sites:
explanation: Located in Auvergne near a volcanic chain, Clermont is one of the oldest town in France. After the conquest by Julius Cesar in 52 BC, it had become one of the largest towns on Gaul region. The council of Clermont held in 1095 triggered the first crusade. In 1630, Clermont merged with Montferrand nearby to become Clermont-Ferrand. 19th century founded Michelin is one of the largest tire factories in the world. Notre Dame du Port church built in 11th century was enlisted in Unesco's human heritage in 1998.


French words: Colmar
alternative words: Kolmar
keywords: tourist resort , town , wine
related topics: Strasbourg
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located at center of Alsace wine production region between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, Colmar appeared first in 823 with the name of Columbarium, i.e. "domain of pigeons". During the middle ages, Colmar had belonged to Decapolis union of Alsace inside Holy Roman Empire. It was annexed by France in 1678 but had been ceded to Germany in 1870 until 1918. With picturesque houses standing along Lauch river, Colmar is nicknamed "small Venice". Colmar is the capital of Haut-Rhin prefecture and the population 65,000.


French words: Deauville
keywords: normandy , sea , tourist resort , town
related topics: Gare Saint Lazare
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in northwest of Paris on Normandy coast, Deauville had been a tiny village until 1858 when Duc de Morny, a half-brother of Napoleon III, visited his doctor's cottage. Well informed businessman, he realized the value of this swampy land but close to Paris, so quickly transformed to a modern summer resort. Organizing an American film festival and an Asian film festival each year, Deauville is considered as the queen of Normandy summer resorts and in 2 hours from Paris Saint-Lazare railroad station.


French words: Dijon
keywords: bourgogne , tourist resort , town , wine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 300km southeast of Paris, Dijon had already existed in Roman period but it has really grown since the middle ages when it became the capital of powerful Burgundy dukedom. Though, Burgundy was annexed by French King Louis XI in 1477, Dijon has continued to develop thanks to wine production and its crossroad position of Europe. An university was founded in 1722. Dijon is the capital of Bourgogne region and the population 142000. You can look over the whole city from a tower of the ducal palace.


French words: Evian , Evian-lès-Bains
alternative words: Evian-les-Bains
keywords: alps , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Renowned for its mineral waters and located on the southern shore of Lake Leman near the Alps mountains and Geneva, Evian is a health and tourist resort with hot-sprint. By the way, Evian-les-Bains means "Evian near hot-spring". A bilateral talk to end the independence war of Algeria took place there in 1962 (Evian protocol). France hosted also a G8 summit in June 2003 at Royal park hotel in Evian. Each summer, a famous female golf tournament, Evian Masters takes place. The population is 7500.


French words: Frejus
alternative words: Frejus harbor
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Marseille , Cannes
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in west of Cannes, on the Mediterranean cost, Frejus had been founded by Greeks from Marseille. It was referenced on a letter of Cicero as "Forum Julii". Though Emperor Augustus enlarged its harbor and added many monuments such as Amphitheater and Aqueduct, Frejus declined slowly due to a silting-up and was devastated by Saracens in 940. In 1959, it lost 400 persons due to a collapse of Malpasset dam. Frejus recovered its maritime vocation by opening a new harbor in 1989. Its population is 51000.
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